domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

Lesson Fourteen: Angelina y Brad Van a Cazar

David’s mother is going crazy. Apparently, Buenos Aires has made her a new woman and she feels liberada. He rants about feminists, machismo, and how when Thelma and Luis escaparon de la rutina, terminaron MUERTAS! MUERRRTTAASSS.

Che, por favor, no seas tan dramatico.

After David’s rant, we learn about the verbs seguir, conseguir, and perseguir—which mean to continue, to get, and to follow/pursue/chase, respectively. Now, each of these can be used different ways with different connotations, depending on the situation. This happens quite often in many of the explanations we are given when learning Spanish—a word kinda sorta means this, but not in that situation. All about contexto.

To explain siempre, casi siempre, de vez en cuando, casi nunca, and nunca, Jimena tells us about what she does each day. Desayunar, tomar café, tomar maté, comer sándwich o tarta, ir al gimnasio (inappropriate David comment #1), ducharse (inappropriate David comment #2), y acostarse. Que aburrimiento, says David. She deserves better, he says. “Burn your bra!” he says, as he whips out a lighter. So. Bizarre.

For the last activity, Jimena brought in a magazine and she and David create what they think the routines of Madonna, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie are like. And yes, it’s just as bizarre as you think it is going to be.

I’m starting to think David actually is a serious headcase. Yeah, I thought that before, but this lesson he demonstrates how much of a whack job he really is. Need more evidence? See below.

This guy is nuts. I keep forgetting that I am supposed to be learning Spanish, because his personality is so intriguing. So many times I find myself remembering the stuff he says in Spanish because it is so off the wall. A casa made out of basura for hormigas? Seriously?

Gotta hand it to him, though. Whatever he’s doing, it works: this stuff is sticking.

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